• #1
As the massage therapist's hands glided over her tense muscles, Lulu Chu couldn't help but feel a wave of arousal wash over her. She had been feeling unsatisfied lately, and the gentle touch of the therapist was just what she needed. But as the massage continued, Lulu couldn't resist the urge to seduce the therapist. She slowly guided his hands to her sensitive areas, moaning in pleasure as he began to finger her. The unsatisfied woman was now fully satisfied, and she wanted more. She pulled him closer, whispering in his ear her desire for anal sex. He eagerly obliged, and soon Lulu was lost in a world of pleasure. But she wasn't done yet. She wanted to taste him too. She pushed him onto the bed and began to lick his cock, her pussy dripping with anticipation. The massage had led to fingering, but it was just the beginning of a wild and satisfying night for Lulu Chu. (100 words)
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